Ryan Wittleton, Cadet
I enjoy cadets as I am passionate about the police service
as a whole and will do whatever gets me closest to this as a career. Being a
leader was a great privilege to be granted and I wouldn’t have even thought
about turning it down. Since the leaders have been implemented I feel that the
cadet troop as a group has become more socially closer and friendlier. There is
a healthy but strong competitive side to all three of the cadet leaders, which
is great for tasks and activities. However when it is needed we are ready and
happy to work together.
I have been volunteering with TVP cadets since March when
the Bracknell unit was established, but I was invested in volunteer work
beforehand as well. For instance I would occasionally help teach at the Pines
primary school in Bracknell, and I also took part in the National Citizen
Service (NCS) during my summer after my last year of secondary school. During
NCS me and a team of around ten worked together to create and organise our own
advocacy for dementia awareness. I do these things partially because I enjoy
helping others, but I will be honest in saying that a large factor in it is so
that it will boost my CV for when I apply to Thames Valley Police Force.
I volunteer for Thames Valley Police because for a long time
now I’ve wanted to work as a police officer, and I believe that being a member of
the Police Cadets will help me with the skills and qualities needed for that
role. So many other benefits have come from being a Police Cadet that I
couldn’t have got anywhere else. I have made many friends with similar
interests and passion for policing as myself, been given opportunities to visit
places I would otherwise likely not see, and the cadets has even set up a level
two qualification which is incredibly useful.
Finally, I would like to take this chance to thank the staff
for putting in many hours voluntarily to allow us this experience, and to TVP
in general for authorising it, as I believe it is helping many of us youths.
Lastly congratulations to Jamie Dearing for winning Thames valley cadet of the
year, he works hard and he deserved it in my opinion.
To find out more about becoming a cadet please visit our website
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